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Appraisal SkillsAppraisal Skills Learn how to run a motivational performance review meeting. The performance appraisal cycle Common problems and solutions Structuring the review session Key appraisal and review skills Skills practice
Challenging ConversationsChallenging Conversations Learn how to confidently tackle those discussions that you dread. Features of challenging conversations The 6 coping strategies Closed v open approaches? Climb down your ladder! Applying techniques to your own situations
Developing Management StyleDeveloping Management Style Learn how to extend your approach to managing others. What’s it like being managed by you? Your task-people orientation Identifying your management style Recognising when to use different styles M.B.W.A. – managing by walking around
How Effective is Your Team?How Effective is Your Team? Learn how to enhance the performance of your team. Team effectiveness profile (pre-work activity) The 4 critical areas for all teams How we’re doing – strengths and limitations? Overcoming team blockages Agreeing practical team actions
Leading a Remote TeamLeading a Remote Team Learn how to effectively manage a dispersed team. The challenges of managing remotely? Qualities of successful remote managers Building trust and teamwork Communication and technology Troubleshooting – case study
Managing MeetingsManaging Meetings Learn how to hold effective and productive meetings. The meetings you’re involved in? Experiences of meetings The true cost of a meeting? Common meeting nightmares A.P.P.L.E. – planning effective meetings
MentoringMentoring Learn how to develop your mentoring skills and technique. Mentoring – what and why? Essential mentor skills and qualities The 5C structured mentoring session Agreeing a mentor-mentee charter Skills practice
Planning & OrganisingPlanning & Organising Learn how to develop and implement effective plans. Planning – measure twice, cut once! Key stages in effective planning Useful planning tools and techniques Monitoring and contingency planning Planning exercise
Setting Goals & ObjectivesSetting Goals & Objectives Learn how to identify and create powerful goals and objectives. Goal setting – benefits and myths Goals v objectives? Writing powerful objectives Applying techniques to your own team Manager’s role – support and challenge
The 3 Secrets of ManagementThe 3 Secrets of Management Learn how to use the 3 secrets of effective management. One minute thought starters… Goal setting Catching people doing things right! Dealing with poor performance The ABC’s of management
Talent MangementTalent Management Learn how to apply a structured approach to managing talent in your team… Defining talent 6 steps to talent management Potential and performance Strategies for talent management Tailoring development
Coaching Across CulturesCoaching Across Cultures Learn how to apply techniques to enhance your coaching skills… Describe the benefits of coaching across cultures Identify potential cultural clashes that make coaching difficult Explain the role cultural expectations play in successful coaching Diagnose where coaching is not working Adapt your coaching style to get the best out of any coachee
Appraisal SkillsAppraisal Skills Learn how to run a motivational performance review meeting. The performance appraisal cycle Common problems and solutions Structuring the review session Key appraisal and review skills Skills practice
Challenging ConversationsChallenging Conversations Learn how to confidently tackle those discussions that you dread. Features of challenging conversations The 6 coping strategies Closed v open approaches? Climb down your ladder! Applying techniques to your own situations
Developing Management StyleDeveloping Management Style Learn how to extend your approach to managing others. What’s it like being managed by you? Your task-people orientation Identifying your management style Recognising when to use different styles M.B.W.A. – managing by walking around
How Effective is Your Team?How Effective is Your Team? Learn how to enhance the performance of your team. Team effectiveness profile (pre-work activity) The 4 critical areas for all teams How we’re doing – strengths and limitations? Overcoming team blockages Agreeing practical team actions
Leading a Remote TeamLeading a Remote Team Learn how to effectively manage a dispersed team. The challenges of managing remotely? Qualities of successful remote managers Building trust and teamwork Communication and technology Troubleshooting – case study
Managing MeetingsManaging Meetings Learn how to hold effective and productive meetings. The meetings you’re involved in? Experiences of meetings The true cost of a meeting? Common meeting nightmares A.P.P.L.E. – planning effective meetings
MentoringMentoring Learn how to develop your mentoring skills and technique. Mentoring – what and why? Essential mentor skills and qualities The 5C structured mentoring session Agreeing a mentor-mentee charter Skills practice
Planning & OrganisingPlanning & Organising Learn how to develop and implement effective plans. Planning – measure twice, cut once! Key stages in effective planning Useful planning tools and techniques Monitoring and contingency planning Planning exercise
Setting Goals & ObjectivesSetting Goals & Objectives Learn how to identify and create powerful goals and objectives. Goal setting – benefits and myths Goals v objectives? Writing powerful objectives Applying techniques to your own team Manager’s role – support and challenge
The 3 Secrets of ManagementThe 3 Secrets of Management Learn how to use the 3 secrets of effective management. One minute thought starters… Goal setting Catching people doing things right! Dealing with poor performance The ABC’s of management
Talent MangementTalent Management Learn how to apply a structured approach to managing talent in your team… Defining talent 6 steps to talent management Potential and performance Strategies for talent management Tailoring development
Coaching Across CulturesCoaching Across Cultures Learn how to apply techniques to enhance your coaching skills… Describe the benefits of coaching across cultures Identify potential cultural clashes that make coaching difficult Explain the role cultural expectations play in successful coaching Diagnose where coaching is not working Adapt your coaching style to get the best out of any coachee
Appraisal SkillsAppraisal Skills Learn how to run a motivational performance review meeting. The performance appraisal cycle Common problems and solutions Structuring the review session Key appraisal and review skills Skills practice
Challenging ConversationsChallenging Conversations Learn how to confidently tackle those discussions that you dread. Features of challenging conversations The 6 coping strategies Closed v open approaches? Climb down your ladder! Applying techniques to your own situations
Developing Management StyleDeveloping Management Style Learn how to extend your approach to managing others. What’s it like being managed by you? Your task-people orientation Identifying your management style Recognising when to use different styles M.B.W.A. – managing by walking around
How Effective is Your Team?How Effective is Your Team? Learn how to enhance the performance of your team. Team effectiveness profile (pre-work activity) The 4 critical areas for all teams How we’re doing – strengths and limitations? Overcoming team blockages Agreeing practical team actions
Leading a Remote TeamLeading a Remote Team Learn how to effectively manage a dispersed team. The challenges of managing remotely? Qualities of successful remote managers Building trust and teamwork Communication and technology Troubleshooting – case study
Managing MeetingsManaging Meetings Learn how to hold effective and productive meetings. The meetings you’re involved in? Experiences of meetings The true cost of a meeting? Common meeting nightmares A.P.P.L.E. – planning effective meetings
MentoringMentoring Learn how to develop your mentoring skills and technique. Mentoring – what and why? Essential mentor skills and qualities The 5C structured mentoring session Agreeing a mentor-mentee charter Skills practice
Planning & OrganisingPlanning & Organising Learn how to develop and implement effective plans. Planning – measure twice, cut once! Key stages in effective planning Useful planning tools and techniques Monitoring and contingency planning Planning exercise
Setting Goals & ObjectivesSetting Goals & Objectives Learn how to identify and create powerful goals and objectives. Goal setting – benefits and myths Goals v objectives? Writing powerful objectives Applying techniques to your own team Manager’s role – support and challenge
The 3 Secrets of ManagementThe 3 Secrets of Management Learn how to use the 3 secrets of effective management. One minute thought starters… Goal setting Catching people doing things right! Dealing with poor performance The ABC’s of management
Talent MangementTalent Management Learn how to apply a structured approach to managing talent in your team… Defining talent 6 steps to talent management Potential and performance Strategies for talent management Tailoring development
Coaching Across CulturesCoaching Across Cultures Learn how to apply techniques to enhance your coaching skills… Describe the benefits of coaching across cultures Identify potential cultural clashes that make coaching difficult Explain the role cultural expectations play in successful coaching Diagnose where coaching is not working Adapt your coaching style to get the best out of any coachee
Appraisal SkillsAppraisal Skills Learn how to run a motivational performance review meeting. The performance appraisal cycle Common problems and solutions Structuring the review session Key appraisal and review skills Skills practice
Challenging ConversationsChallenging Conversations Learn how to confidently tackle those discussions that you dread. Features of challenging conversations The 6 coping strategies Closed v open approaches? Climb down your ladder! Applying techniques to your own situations
Developing Management StyleDeveloping Management Style Learn how to extend your approach to managing others. What’s it like being managed by you? Your task-people orientation Identifying your management style Recognising when to use different styles M.B.W.A. – managing by walking around
How Effective is Your Team?How Effective is Your Team? Learn how to enhance the performance of your team. Team effectiveness profile (pre-work activity) The 4 critical areas for all teams How we’re doing – strengths and limitations? Overcoming team blockages Agreeing practical team actions
Leading a Remote TeamLeading a Remote Team Learn how to effectively manage a dispersed team. The challenges of managing remotely? Qualities of successful remote managers Building trust and teamwork Communication and technology Troubleshooting – case study
Managing MeetingsManaging Meetings Learn how to hold effective and productive meetings. The meetings you’re involved in? Experiences of meetings The true cost of a meeting? Common meeting nightmares A.P.P.L.E. – planning effective meetings
MentoringMentoring Learn how to develop your mentoring skills and technique. Mentoring – what and why? Essential mentor skills and qualities The 5C structured mentoring session Agreeing a mentor-mentee charter Skills practice
Planning & OrganisingPlanning & Organising Learn how to develop and implement effective plans. Planning – measure twice, cut once! Key stages in effective planning Useful planning tools and techniques Monitoring and contingency planning Planning exercise
Setting Goals & ObjectivesSetting Goals & Objectives Learn how to identify and create powerful goals and objectives. Goal setting – benefits and myths Goals v objectives? Writing powerful objectives Applying techniques to your own team Manager’s role – support and challenge
The 3 Secrets of ManagementThe 3 Secrets of Management Learn how to use the 3 secrets of effective management. One minute thought starters… Goal setting Catching people doing things right! Dealing with poor performance The ABC’s of management
Talent MangementTalent Management Learn how to apply a structured approach to managing talent in your team… Defining talent 6 steps to talent management Potential and performance Strategies for talent management Tailoring development
Coaching Across CulturesCoaching Across Cultures Learn how to apply techniques to enhance your coaching skills… Describe the benefits of coaching across cultures Identify potential cultural clashes that make coaching difficult Explain the role cultural expectations play in successful coaching Diagnose where coaching is not working Adapt your coaching style to get the best out of any coachee

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